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Snow Globe in Paradise


I recently had the privilege of attending a workshop at Villa Ahmyo in Hawaii called Exploring the New Light. Adamus likes to define the overall energy dynamic of the small groups that attend in-person events, and for ours it was a feeling of huge commitment and determination for a breakthrough. Each person had their own specific desires, but this was the common theme. My desired breakthrough? Well, I want to float. In the air. 🤓 

I realize it sounds about as silly as my teenage dream to become an astronaut probably sounded to the adults around me, but the desire is just as real, passionate, and (apparently) impossible. Someone once said that I really did become an astronaut; I’m just exploring the inner worlds rather than outer space. While that would never have satisfied my teenage self, I can see a glimmer of truth in it. But what about floating? I’ve heard about Tibetan monks and African shamans who can levitate, and this reality is an illusion anyway, so why couldn’t it be possible? But, after mentioning it in front of all the ‘grownups’ at the workshop, well, I did feel kind of silly.

Then, couple days later during a particularly deep merabh with Adamus, I had a very personal experience with what he calls “New Light.” I won’t go into all the details because it’s both impossible to describe and very personal. But at one point I began feeling a new “light essence” coming into my awareness. Instead of being harsh and bright like sunlight, it felt soft and viscous, like illuminated honey or oil. And it seemed to sparkle. This “liquid light” suffused everything in my inner and outer reality, even my body, and I could almost tangibly feel how it affected and changed everything

For a moment it made me think of my reality as a dried out snow globe slowly being filled and permeated with a glittering liquid illumination. But this ‘snow globe’ of mine was vast. Everything I could perceive was within it and, when touched by this light, interacted with me in the greatest, deepest love imaginable.

It was a profound experience that is still deeply within me. It only takes a breath, and I can touch it again. 

A few days after the workshop, someone told me about a question they once heard from a spiritual teacher: “Where are the boundaries of your beingness? And where is the center of you?” In the moment, it felt like an important question. In fact, I invite you to take a moment and feel it for yourself.

Close your eyes and breathe deeply. Now, find the edges of your Selfness. Where does your beingness end? Can you find the border of you? 

Now take another breath. Where is the center of you? Are you more there than somewhere else? How do you know, and who knows this?

I sat with these questions myself, reaching out and out and out, then feeling in and in and in. And I realized – no, I experienced – that I don’t end anywhere! I am everywhere. All that I perceive is me and is within me. No matter how far outward or inward I go, I am still there. My Self doesn’t have boundaries. 

Now, it’s obvious that we live within a highly focused reality. But, like seeing through a camera, the tight focus is also very changeable (even if we’ve forgotten where the knob is). In this sense of endlessness, I “saw” my vast Self as similar to one of those clear glass orbs that has an image engraved inside it. It’s so clear that everything is nothing until a focused energy brings something into existence. In these crystalline microcosms, the focus comes via laser beams that create microfractures to reflect the light so we can perceive an image. In the crystal clarity of my boundaryless macrocosm, the focus comes via my attention, which creates “solid” places in my perceptual space and cause the reality I experience. 

Whether my Selfness is a snow globe filled with liquid light, or a glass orb etched inside by consciousness, there are a lot of potentials to ponder here! But what does any of it have to do with my desire to float? Well, for one thing, it’s very easy to imagine and even feel myself floating in this liquid “honey light” reality. But this seemingly solid creation also reminds me that by trying to “overcome” something already engraved in my experience, I’m actually validating it with my attention and focus. Which means that my belief in gravity is the “e-brake” that keeps me on the ground (or in lack or ill health or whatever else I don’t like). 

However, when I expand, un-focus, and become aware of the clear allness of me, then I can refocus in a whole new way. No, I haven’t floated yet, at least not in this reality I share with you, but I’m starting to understand the physics that make me believe it’s hard to do.

Perhaps it’s like that with everything: we’re trying to change a reality we believe in, rather than relaxing and dialing back the focus that’s creating it. Perhaps allowing is literally blurring the focus that makes a particular situation real. In fact, when I wrote last month about disengaging the inner e-brakes, I missed the obvious conclusion till a few weeks later: Releasing the brake is allowing! Therefore, trying to “allow something,” like abundance or health or whatever, is based on belief in the current reality, which doesn’t release the brake at all!

We’ve always been the focuser and engraver of our own boundless sphere. But like a snow globe filled with air, it takes a lot of effort to make anything happen, let alone change what we’ve created. Now, as this soft new liquid light, filled with wisdom and love, begins filling our globe, the focus can relax, allowing gets easy, and perception really does create experience. 

Turns out I didn’t find a snow globe in paradise; I found paradise inside my globe. It feels more than ever like literally anything is possible….


  • Jean Tinder

    As Crimson Circle’s Content Manager, Jean is fulfilling her life-long dream to shine her light in the world. On a spiritual journey since childhood, she found Crimson Circle in 2002, joined the staff in 2008 and never looked back. Her first book is called “Stories from My Last Lifetime”.

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24 thoughts on “SHAUMBRA HEARTBEAT – Snow Globe in Paradise”

  1. Dear Jean, you speak for my heart, as every month. Thank you, it makes so much sense this image about allowing as a de-focusing to make space for other potentials of reality to appear!

  2. It is definitely possible to float in air, as I do it from time to time. Ismael Perez could make his toys float in the air, for real. The monks in Tibet hover above the ground, and all it seems to take was the wish to float, backed up by the practise, and keeping fit as being light also helps.

    Your article mentions this as an illusion. Not to me or Ismael or the monks.

  3. Clarity, clarity, clarity is the most important thing for my life in these moments where I feel “floating” in many moments. But it is not the floating of physical levitation, but rather it is a new floating, an energetic floating like the one I felt when I wanted to answer the questions. A floating that led me to respond: there are no limits to my being, there is no center, everything is infinite.

  4. Your articles each month create such a deep personal connection to my self awareness and opening and expanding.

    Thank you!!

  5. Hello from Montreal, Canada,

    Love reading you & now I have the pleasure of hearing you.
    Beautifully expressed with humilty, grandure, love and expansiveness…
    Thank-you for your sharings.
    They are always appreciated, greatly received and touched an unfolding of emerges.
    Take great care, as we pace ourself to Allowing we can access our soaring & flying wher-ever.

  6. So wonderful to hear your voice bringing the song of your message deep into my heart. A very wise being once said “God is a circle whose center is everywhere and circumference nowhere.”

  7. Tammie ORielly

    Funny just thinking about my first CC workshop 21 years ago this month in Denver where I met you AND it snowed!! Remember the power outage lol? Wonderful, witty and wise woman you are dear Jean and it’s been a wonderful journey with you… Hugs!

  8. Jean,
    I did tandem sky diving a while ago, after the parachute open does feel like I am floating and when chasing clouds feels like flying, I love that whole sensation experience, maybe allowing sky diving is towards independent floating 🙂

  9. Yvonne Provost

    Dearest Jean….as always you write like the Master that you are! I really enjoyed reading your article and it brings to mind my experience last Wednesday, when my Blood pressure was so high, it read 203/108! it was truly surreal! As I scanned myself then in the midst of all that strangeness, I saw only Light and my sense was that I was NO-thing yet I could feel myself blended into everything, It was surreal indeed.

    So many things have come to remind me of ME! Case in point…before I joined the CC, I used to meditate twice daily. I also used to do guided meditation with a few groups. In my meditation, I would sense a Light which I called ‘Liquid Light’ because that is how it appeared to me. it was flowing gently like liquid butter & this is exactly how I would call it when I led my meditations. Thirty years later, I’m meeting it again!

    Makes me wonder & kind of see myself in a different Light (pun intended). Thanks for helping me in innumerable ways dear Jean. Your kindness & graciousness to me is invaluable and more than appreciated. We’ll create a way to float … still! I love you!

  10. This is beautiful! I could never connect with the “Allowing” it was just a concept, but this resonates with me and triggers an inner knowingness, just the rigth nudge on how to let go of control and other humanly things that seemed so impossible to let go of… Thank you Jean!

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