Old Friends

a photo geoff hoppe and gerhard fankhauser on a crimson circle trip to egypt

Old Friends

Old Friends

By Geoffrey Hoppe


The term “old friends” takes on a double meaning at my age. This is about someone I have known for a long time, and we’re both getting a little older. This friend and I are worlds apart in many ways. We live in very different parts of the planet – he in Israel, and I am in the US. We took very different directions in life. He is a troubadour/musician, and I was a businessman and am now a channeler. He spends his time in nature, and I used to spend my time in airports before settling in at Villa Ahmyo in Hawaii.

I’m talking, of course, about Gerhard Fankhauser. Most Shaumbra know him and his wife Einat as the musical tone of Shaumbra. They performed with Linda and I around the world for many years and created numerous merabhs and albums designed just for Shaumbra. 

We met by happenstance in early 2007 on our second trip to Israel. We had already booked Amir Ya’coby for the musical portion of the workshop in Tel Aviv. At the last minute, Amir said his guitarist friend Gerhard would be willing to join him at no extra cost, so without a hesitation or an oy vey we agreed. Gerhard walked into the meeting hall shortly before we started. He had that looked – what I call the Master G look – about him. It’s like a lead-dog surveying the rest of the pack, calmly taking in every detail before making a move. When I was introduced to him, he was polite but pensive. He had seen more than his share of spiritual groups in India and Europe, and was probably wondering about this channeler guy from the US. Later he admitted that he was somewhat wary of channelers and had never worked with one before. 

He and Amir took to the stage about half way through the day to play music for the audience of about 150 people. Linda and I were standing at the back of the room as they began playing. It didn’t take me more than a few minutes to realize Gerhard’s guitar playing was superb. I had a flash come over me and whispered to Linda, “We need to invite Gerhard and Amir to perform at the Quantum Leap celebration,” coming up later in the year in Taos, New Mexico. Linda replied, “I was just thinking the same thing!” 

Later that same day, Tobias brought in Adamus for a guest channel. Somewhere in the middle of the channel, Adamus called Gerhard to the stage and asked him to improvise an “I Am That I Am” song. I couldn’t believe what I heard coming out of my mouth. You can’t just call a musician to the stage in front of 150 people and tell him to make up a song in the moment. That’s sheer madness. But Gerhard wasn’t going to be intimidated by Adamus, so he got on stage, mumbled a bit and then started singing the now Shaumbra-famous anthem, “I Am That I Am” (listen here). After a few verses he even had the audience singing along. We learned later that St. Germain and Gerhard had a colorful history including several lifetimes in the Mystery Schools. You can read the story about St. Germain and Master G here.

Gerhard and Amir were a huge hit at the Quantum Leap celebration in September 2007. In spite of being just a guitarist and percussionist in huge room with over 700 people, they were able to fill the hall with their musical energies. They decided to call their group Yoham, after hearing Adamus refer to Metatron by that name. 

For the next 12 years, we traveled the world with Gerhard, Einat, and Amir. They performed at Shouds and workshops, stayed with us at Villa Ahmyo in Hawaii, sang with us in the King’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid in Egypt, and spent numerous hours with us in recording studios. For most of the events, they never knew what Adamus would request of them, but they always had the perfect musical answer. One of the classics is when Adamus introduced the concept of a “merabh” at a workshop in Frankfurt, Germany. He explained that a merabh was a time for shifting consciousness with musical accompaniment. Gerhard responded without flinching even though none of us had ever heard the word merabh before, much less knowing how to spell it. 

I could write a book or two about our experiences on the road with Yoham. They are some of the sweetest of all my memories. It wasn’t just about our work on stage. We spent many, many hours talking over a cup of coffee or a bottle of wine. Gerhard had become like a dear brother to me. 

Then came COVID. Everyone had to stop traveling for several years. Linda and I became more entrenched at Villa Ahmyo in Hawaii. Einat and Gerhard moved to desert in the south of Israel to get away from the city. Gerhard and I would talk from time to time, but for the most part our lives went in different directions. I got busier than ever with work, and Gerhard was finding peace and solace in the desert. 

Fast forward to late 2023. Adamus was talking about the physics of aerotheon, where gravity brings energies together and also causes them to expand, sometimes called dark energy. He said the best way to bring aerotheon into your life is through music. Adamus encouraged Shaumbra musicians to send in their musical compositions which are now posted on YouTube at Aerotheon Music. Gerhard and I talked again after about a year of no contact. It felt great to be back with my old friend. It also seemed like almost no time had passed since we had last connected, even though we both had a few more gray hairs.

Shortly after, Adamus told me he wanted to do a special DreamWalk to Aerotheon (here) and requested that Gerhard create the music track. Adamus was going to infuse his energies into the track, along with Gerhard, Einat, and all Shaumbra. Once again, Gerhard and I were working together. We have a special chemistry when it comes to creations for Shaumbra. We don’t have to say a lot of words or do a lot of planning. The magic is already there even if years have passed since we’ve worked together. It was like the times where we performed on stage together with little planning or effort. There was a natural harmony that defies words or explanation.

Gerhard composed the track and brought together musicians from around Israel to contribute their talents. From there he went into the studio to do the final production and mixing. All of this happened in less than two months, with just a few emails between us to stay on track. Gerhard delivered the final track on the exact due date, and just a few days ahead of launching the new DreamWalk to Aerotheon. Some might say it was cutting it too close to the deadline but I knew that the end product would be exquisite. 

On April 28, we used the music for an incredible merabh during the last day of the Discovering the New Light workshop in Kona. Attendees told me later that it was the best merabh they had ever experienced. They also said it was Gerhard’s best creation ever, which I wholeheartedly agree with. It’s now available as a separate downloadable track in the DreamWalk to Aerotheon product.

There’s nothing like old friends. I miss working with Gerhard and Einat on the road, but realize those days are pretty much behind us. It was such a joy to work with Gerhard again on this project. I learned that the magic never goes out of friendships even if years and miles separate you. Friendships like this are some of the best things about life as a human. Even Adamus noted that friendships like this are one of the most cherished things about being on the planet, something that’s rarely experienced in any other civilizations in our universe. 

Take a moment to think about your old friends, and even if it’s been a long time since you’ve connected with them. Then pick up the phone or send an email. In the words of H. Jackson Brown, Jr., “Remember that life’s most valuable antiques are dear old friends.”

Thank you, Master G, for the many years of friendship. Your music track for the DreamWalk to Aerotheon is your best work ever. 

From Gerhard Fankhauser:

Those of you that know me probably also know that there is a history to my presence in the Crimson Circle; many years of transformative musical experiences with Yoham in live events, recordings with Tobias and Adamus, the ‘I Am That I Am’ song, merabhs, music workshops, and some stories from the days in the old Mystery schools – Adamus’ version of it anyway – but I won’t go there right now. 

COVID unfortunately brought a lot of changes. Einat and I stopped traveling in 2020 and settled in a small village in the desert of Israel, which proved a very good move considering the present situation in the country. I love the desert; its silence and spirit are the dominant factors of life here, even in days of war.

Since Adamus started talking about aerotheon, I naturally and for obvious reasons felt a strong resonance. It was very inspiring to listen to the music Shaumbra created for the Aerotheon YouTube channel and I also recorded a track for it called Beyond the Horizon.  But somehow, I knew that there is still more to it and when Geoffrey approached me about creating a full length musical experience for a DreamWalk, I felt truly excited and honored.

The more I was diving into the project it felt like connecting to the essence and higher purpose of what I love in making music; the timelessness, the expansion, and the ‘and.’  I realized that in order for the experience to be real it needs to be more than just meditative, spacious and calm. It must be a gentle expression of the embrace of light and dark, accumulation and dispersion, tension and release, longing and peace; a true embrace of it all to keep the soul engaged and the human present. 

At first, I worked in my home studio, and it took me about a month of listening, visioning, recording drafts and composing the basic tunes to have a rough guide for the whole track. After that I gathered some of my favorite musicians and encouraged them to bring in their mastery as free and inspiring as possible. Once I completed Einat’s vocal recordings, I went into the studio of a good friend and music producer in Tel Aviv to weave it all together and bring it to the highest possible standard and quality of sound.

I wish that this music will support you on your journey, and that you can feel the consciousness, mastery and intent that was poured into it. Commune with the music and allow it to resonate with your whole being, revealing its dimensions by your listening and presence. I hope this track will fulfill its purpose and lift you far beyond the heaviness of gravity; to feel the light within the dark, find hope in a moment of despair, bring peace in times of chaos, and resonate with the song of your soul.

– Master G

The term “old friends” takes on a double meaning at my age. This is about someone I have known for a long time, and we’re both getting a little older. This friend and I are worlds apart in many ways. We live in very different parts of the planet – he in Israel, and I am in the US. We took very different directions in life. He is a troubadour/musician, and I was a businessman and am now a channeler. He spends his time in nature, and I used to spend my time in airports before settling in at Villa Ahmyo in Hawaii.

I’m talking, of course, about Gerhard Fankhauser. Most Shaumbra know him and his wife Einat as the musical tone of Shaumbra. They performed with Linda and I around the world for many years and created numerous merabhs and albums designed just for Shaumbra. 

We met by happenstance in early 2007 on our second trip to Israel. We had already booked Amir Ya’coby for the musical portion of the workshop in Tel Aviv. At the last minute, Amir said his guitarist friend Gerhard would be willing to join him at no extra cost, so without a hesitation or an oy vey we agreed. Gerhard walked into the meeting hall shortly before we started. He had that looked – what I call the Master G look – about him. It’s like a lead-dog surveying the rest of the pack, calmly taking in every detail before making a move. When I was introduced to him, he was polite but pensive. He had seen more than his share of spiritual groups in India and Europe, and was probably wondering about this channeler guy from the US. Later he admitted that he was somewhat wary of channelers and had never worked with one before. 

He and Amir took to the stage about half way through the day to play music for the audience of about 150 people. Linda and I were standing at the back of the room as they began playing. It didn’t take me more than a few minutes to realize Gerhard’s guitar playing was superb. I had a flash come over me and whispered to Linda, “We need to invite Gerhard and Amir to perform at the Quantum Leap celebration,” coming up later in the year in Taos, New Mexico. Linda replied, “I was just thinking the same thing!” 

Later that same day, Tobias brought in Adamus for a guest channel. Somewhere in the middle of the channel, Adamus called Gerhard to the stage and asked him to improvise an “I Am That I Am” song. I couldn’t believe what I heard coming out of my mouth. You can’t just call a musician to the stage in front of 150 people and tell him to make up a song in the moment. That’s sheer madness. But Gerhard wasn’t going to be intimidated by Adamus, so he got on stage, mumbled a bit and then started singing the now Shaumbra-famous anthem, “I Am That I Am” (listen here). After a few verses he even had the audience singing along. We learned later that St. Germain and Gerhard had a colorful history including several lifetimes in the Mystery Schools. You can read the story about St. Germain and Master G here: (link coming).

Gerhard and Amir were a huge hit at the Quantum Leap celebration in September 2007. In spite of being just a guitarist and percussionist in huge room with over 700 people, they were able to fill the hall with their musical energies. They decided to call their group Yoham, after hearing Adamus refer to Metatron by that name. 

For the next 12 years, we traveled the world with Gerhard, Einat, and Amir. They performed at Shouds and workshops, stayed with us at Villa Ahmyo in Hawaii, sang with us in the King’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid in Egypt, and spent numerous hours with us in recording studios. For most of the events, they never knew what Adamus would request of them, but they always had the perfect musical answer. One of the classics is when Adamus introduced the concept of a “merabh” at a workshop in Frankfurt, Germany. He explained that a merabh was a time for shifting consciousness with musical accompaniment. Gerhard responded without flinching even though none of us had ever heard the word merabh before, much less knowing how to spell it. 

I could write a book or two about our experiences on the road with Yoham. They are some of the sweetest of all my memories. It wasn’t just about our work on stage. We spent many, many hours talking over a cup of coffee or a bottle of wine. Gerhard had become like a dear brother to me. 

Then came COVID. Everyone had to stop traveling for several years. Linda and I became more entrenched at Villa Ahmyo in Hawaii. Einat and Gerhard moved to desert in the south of Israel to get away from the city. Gerhard and I would talk from time to time, but for the most part our lives went in different directions. I got busier than ever with work, and Gerhard was finding peace and solace in the desert. 

Fast forward to late 2023. Adamus was talking about the physics of aerotheon, where gravity brings energies together and also causes them to expand, sometimes called dark energy. He said the best way to bring aerotheon into your life is through music. Adamus encouraged Shaumbra musicians to send in their musical compositions which are now posted on YouTube at Aerotheon Music. Gerhard and I talked again after about a year of no contact. It felt great to be back with my old friend. It also seemed like almost no time had passed since we had last connected, even though we both had a few more gray hairs.

Shortly after, Adamus told me he wanted to do a special DreamWalk to Aerotheon (here) and requested that Gerhard create the music track. Adamus was going to infuse his energies into the track, along with Gerhard, Einat, and all Shaumbra. Once again, Gerhard and I were working together. We have a special chemistry when it comes to creations for Shaumbra. We don’t have to say a lot of words or do a lot of planning. The magic is already there even if years have passed since we’ve worked together. It was like the times where we performed on stage together with little planning or effort. There was a natural harmony that defies words or explanation.

Gerhard composed the track and brought together musicians from around Israel to contribute their talents. From there he went into the studio to do the final production and mixing. All of this happened in less than two months, with just a few emails between us to stay on track. Gerhard delivered the final track on the exact due date, and just a few days ahead of launching the new DreamWalk to Aerotheon. Some might say it was cutting it too close to the deadline but I knew that the end product would be exquisite. 

On April 28, we used the music for an incredible merabh during the last day of the Discovering the New Light workshop in Kona. Attendees told me later that it was the best merabh they had ever experienced. They also said it was Gerhard’s best creation ever, which I wholeheartedly agree with. It’s now available as a separate downloadable track in the DreamWalk to Aerotheon product.

There’s nothing like old friends. I miss working with Gerhard and Einat on the road, but realize those days are pretty much behind us. It was such a joy to work with Gerhard again on this project. I learned that the magic never goes out of friendships even if years and miles separate you. Friendships like this are some of the best things about life as a human. Even Adamus noted that friendships like this are one of the most cherished things about being on the planet, something that’s rarely experienced in any other civilizations in our universe. 

Take a moment to think about your old friends, and even if it’s been a long time since you’ve connected with them. Then pick up the phone or send an email. In the words of H. Jackson Brown, Jr., “Remember that life’s most valuable antiques are dear old friends.”

Thank you, Master G, for the many years of friendship. Your music track for the DreamWalk to Aerotheon is your best work ever. 

From Gerhard Fankhauser:

Those of you that know me probably also know that there is a history to my presence in the Crimson Circle; many years of transformative musical experiences with Yoham in live events, recordings with Tobias and Adamus, the ‘I Am That I Am’ song, merabhs, music workshops, and some stories from the days in the old Mystery schools – Adamus’ version of it anyway – but I won’t go there right now. 

COVID unfortunately brought a lot of changes. Einat and I stopped traveling in 2020 and settled in a small village in the desert of Israel, which proved a very good move considering the present situation in the country. I love the desert; its silence and spirit are the dominant factors of life here, even in days of war.

Since Adamus started talking about aerotheon, I naturally and for obvious reasons felt a strong resonance. It was very inspiring to listen to the music Shaumbra created for the Aerotheon YouTube channel and I also recorded a track for it called Beyond the Horizon.  But somehow, I knew that there is still more to it and when Geoffrey approached me about creating a full length musical experience for a DreamWalk, I felt truly excited and honored.

The more I was diving into the project it felt like connecting to the essence and higher purpose of what I love in making music; the timelessness, the expansion, and the ‘and.’  I realized that in order for the experience to be real it needs to be more than just meditative, spacious and calm. It must be a gentle expression of the embrace of light and dark, accumulation and dispersion, tension and release, longing and peace; a true embrace of it all to keep the soul engaged and the human present. 

At first, I worked in my home studio, and it took me about a month of listening, visioning, recording drafts and composing the basic tunes to have a rough guide for the whole track. After that I gathered some of my favorite musicians and encouraged them to bring in their mastery as free and inspiring as possible. Once I completed Einat’s vocal recordings, I went into the studio of a good friend and music producer in Tel Aviv to weave it all together and bring it to the highest possible standard and quality of sound.

I wish that this music will support you on your journey, and that you can feel the consciousness, mastery and intent that was poured into it. Commune with the music and allow it to resonate with your whole being, revealing its dimensions by your listening and presence. I hope this track will fulfill its purpose and lift you far beyond the heaviness of gravity; to feel the light within the dark, find hope in a moment of despair, bring peace in times of chaos, and resonate with the song of your soul.

– Master G


  • Geoffrey Hoppe

    Geoffrey Hoppe founded the Crimson Circle in 1999 after a series of conversations with the angelic being known as Tobias. He left the corporate world in 2001 to devote his full time to the Crimson Circle, along with his wife Linda. Geoff channeled Tobias until 2009 when Tobias returned to earth in a new incarnation known as Sam. Tobias handed off his guidance role with the Crimson Circle to Adamus Saint-Germain, a facet of the Beloved St. Germain who has been working with humans for hundreds of years. Geoff has been the messenger of Adamus Saint-Germain ever since.

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23 thoughts on “OLD FRIENDS”

  1. I listened to the merabh at Villa Ahymo that Geoffrey referenced in his well written article and the music created, produced, and played by Gerhard, Einat, and the musicians they worked with. I agree with Geoffrey that this is the most enjoyable piece of music they have created thus far. It flowed with the work we did with Adamus and was simply beautiful. Thank you to each musician as well as Geoffrey, Linda, and Adamus for sharing this exquisite work of art with us.

  2. Thank you so much dear geoff and dear gerhard for the great music beyond words.🥰

  3. Hermoso canto a la amistad y creacion musical maravillosa se siente tan profundamente la energía… un gran Amor

  4. Peter Suedkamp

    I am here. Indeed when the YouTube channel was launched I was thinking about Yoham needs to be part of this project.

    And when I purchased the Dreamwalk to Aerotheon I was not sure what it would feel like but boy I was really deeply impressed by it because I was never that much feeling expanded and far out in my Dreamwalk experiences. And it touched my heart and whole being although I have to admit that I listened to the Dreamwalk four times by now and couldn’t stay awake.

    I know that of course my Self got the content and that I did not miss anything and that it is truly a great sign for true expansion when this happens to me even when one could say that as being part of Keahak I would be part of the leading edge of consciousness. I myself however through this Dreamwalk know that there’s always a beyond as to say something to experience to make known the unknown. And that is called Life.

    I agree with Geoff and the others who say that up to now it’s the best of the best creation from Master G and his fellow Master musicians and of course from Adamus Saint Germain who always surprises me with his grand creation and how he is able to orchestrate this for the best experience in service to all of Shaumbra.

    I really appreciate it. Thank you!

  5. Franziska Martini

    Thank you dear Geoffrey and dear Gerhard for remaing us, what we are !Geoffrey with his words and Gerhard with his music

  6. Gerhard Fankhauser: thank you for these beautiful words of wisdom:
    I realized that in order for the experience to be real it needs to be more than just meditative, spacious and calm. It must be a gentle expression of the embrace of light and dark, accumulation and dispersion, tension and release, longing and peace; a true embrace of it all to keep the soul engaged and the human present.

    1. It is so good to appreciate old friends even things are different now between us! It is like a chicken soup for the soul!!
      Thank you both for your great creations!!

  7. The music for the DW Merabh is absolutely stunning. I loved how many different cultural elements flowed into it. For many years I have looped some of my favourite Indian movie soundtracks, as they are the easiest for me to go beyond, and was so happy hearing those elements, the low hum with the Indian flute in this Merabh music production. Beautiful production, and happy to have Gerhard and Einat back!

  8. I’m so grateful that Gerhard created the music for the Dreamwalk to Aerotheon. It truely helped create the best experience I’ve had, beyond words. He and Einat are wonderful treasures. And Amir too, although he is no longer with them.

  9. Susana Piohtee

    It is lovely to hear Geoffrey’s appreciation of the music Gerhardt creates. It would be even lovelier to hear appreciation for the beautiful contributions Einat makes to Yoham’s work.

  10. I am deeply touched in the heart & Soul by this master piece, be it the articles, the music, the energies of All Shaumbra. Dear Co-Creators of Crimson Circle & Yoham- I applaud from the heart & en-JOY 💜🥰

  11. Joanna Grzembowska (or Viria)

    It’s really wonderfull article. Thank you Geoff and Master G! And Adamus too 😘

  12. Martha González

    Cada sentir expresado en escritos o notas musicales que tienen la capacidad de elevarte sin resistencia, lucha,control o cualquier fuerza exterior , es sin duda alguna una verdadera obra de arte para expandirnos más profundo en nuestra alma.
    Gracias querido maestro Geoffrey, gracias querido maestro Gérard, son un regalo grandioso para nuestro caminar hacia la realización 💜💜💜🌹🌹

  13. I just want to thank you for this article Geoffrey.
    I have resonated with Yoham’s music since I first heard them on 2007. They truly soothe my soul. The arotheon music was just what I needed.

  14. thank you for this article…
    i was in Tel Aviv then..there were no more than 50 students,,,It was the course Dreamwalker Ascension, with st. Germain. Adamus was not introduced back then yet. Yes there was the I am that I am song then…Also there was a nice cd created then with Geoffrey and Gerhard and Einat for beginners on the path….very strong and as i understand authentic created without preparation!!!!!
    maybe an idea for a monthly support!

  15. Yael Pearl Beker

    I remember well Yoham from the meeting in Tel-Aviv, his music was beautiful and inspiering and I miss it a lot. I hope you all could come again to Israel although I’m not sure you want to, in this time. The situation here is very very bad and many of us are ashamed that we “allowed” it to happen.

    Talking about old friends, I just made a contuct with three old friends of mine, unfortunatly two of them are very very sick but at least I can help them a little bit with alternative medicine and with the third one it is a great joy.

    Lots of love to you all

  16. Thank you so much for all of your wisdom. Both Geoff and Gerhard. Both of you are old friends, and to me, seem to be old friends of mine. I’ve never met either of you in this life, but feel I have in others. Geoff, you , Adamus and Gerhard lull me into blissful peace and the music sends me off into a journey into myself. I love the collaboration you have done. It truly soothes my soul.🦋🌈⚜️💜

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